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Keeley & Douglas — Minted




Wedding Party

Kiersten Casey

Maid of Honor

Kiersten is Keeley's younger sister. Often, they are mistaken as twins and could not be more similar. Both grew up cheerleading in high school, went to FSU (lived in the same apartment complex, were sisters in the same sorority and worked at the same restaurant), and now work at the same company. They wouldn't have it any other way! Kiersten is one of the funniest people you will ever meet, and she lights up every room she's in. No matter what, they will always remain each other's best friend.

Kamryn Casey

Maid of Honor

Kamryn is Keeley's youngest sister. Although they are seven years apart, it has never stopped them from being so close. Kamryn followed in Keeley and Kiersten's footsteps and is currently a junior at FSU. Keeley and Doug visit Kamryn each football season and it has become a tradition that they cherish. Kamryn is known for her kind heart. She is the one to call if you are ever in need and she and is never hesitant to help. She was the perfect last addition to the Casey family and Keeley feels so blessed to have two "built-in" best friends.

Brittney Poliak


Keeley and Brittney met in the fourth grade and have been best friends ever since. They both fell in love with cheerleading and were on the same team for all four years of high school. They both ended up at Florida State after graduation and were in neighboring sororities. Brittney is Keeley's longest lasting friendship, and they are truly like sisters to each other. They always knew they would celebrate important milestones together and this is only the beginning!

Hanna Lashhab


Keeley met Hanna at FSU in 2015. They both joined the same sorority and became “Big & Little.” However, their friendship really grew once Keeley moved to Naples. Hanna, Keeley, and Doug spent nearly every NFL Sunday together before Hanna began her journey with PA school. Hanna even lived with Keeley (& Steele) when Doug was in Martha’s Vineyard teaching tennis for the summer. Hanna has always been there for Keeley (especially during Steele's naughty "teenage years").

Kelly Errett


Keeley met Kelly in 2021. They lived in the same apartment complex in Naples and met each other while walking their dogs one morning. Their friendship grew from "apartment" friends to best friends almost instantly. They bonded over their love for wine, golden retrievers, and Justin Bieber. Their friendship has grown even more since Kelly gave birth to her son, Jack (Keeley's mini bestie). The two are the definition of partners in crime.

Olivia Ferencsik


Keeley met Olivia freshman year of college when they joined the same sorority. The two became best friends immediately and were roommates 3 out of the 4 years of college. Nearly ten years (and three Taylor Swift concerts) later, Keeley and Olivia's friendship is stronger than ever. Olivia was even the one to introduce Keeley and Doug freshman year of college (thanks Liv!). The two have been through so many seasons of life together but being bridesmaids in each other's weddings is the most exciting yet!

Taylor Trombino


Keeley met Taylor in 2015 during a spring break trip to Naples. Keeley knew Taylor as “Olivia’s best friend” but little did she know the two would form a lifelong friendship of their own. The two instantly bonded over their love for Bravo TV, shopping, and all things girly. Taylor went to FSU as well, and they were roommates Keeley’s senior year. When Keeley moved to Naples, the two became even closer. Keeley can always count on Taylor to show up for her (with a glass of prosecco).

Thomas Raleigh

Best Man

Thomas and Doug have been best friends since they met on the YMCA basketball team at only 4 years old. Since both never had brothers, one another quickly filled the role. They have been through almost all of life’s experiences together, and although life has taken them from living in the same neighborhood to living on opposite sides of the country, their status as best friends has never wavered. Steelers games at the Smalls turned Thomas and Doug into about the biggest fans one could imagine, and they still bond over the team to this day. They also bond over their die-hard fandom for college football, although the teams in which they root for differ just slightly. Doug was Thomas’s best man just a year ago, and Doug has always known that Thomas would be his.

Grant Ashmore


Grant and Doug met in Mrs. Dixon’s kindergarten class when the two were only 5 years old. They met a boy named Nick Nolan in their class and the 3 boys created a very strong friendship throughout the rest of their school years. Even though Grant was the same age as Doug, Doug’s mom always referred to Grant as Doug’s “older friend.” This was due to his chest hair, his deep voice by the age of 8, and the fact that Doug would always be able to watch Family Guy at Grant’s house. Grant and Doug ended up attending different colleges, but Doug still has always considered Grant one of his closest friends. Anytime the two are in the same town to this day, they always save some time for a cigar and a game of poker.

Jonathan Baker


Jon and Doug met at Pine Ridge Middle School in the sixth grade. During their middle and high school days, Jon and Doug always got along fine, but they were really just friends with the same people. Their friendship really started to form during their freshman year at Florida State University. Midway through their summer semester, Doug decided to break his lease with the dorms and move into an apartment. He needed a roommate and fortunately for him, Jon was quick to jump at the opportunity to live off campus as well. Jon and Doug moved into their first apartment, and their friendship grew as the year went on. They made countless memories in that apartment that they fondly reminisce about today. They ended up making another best friend together when they went down to the local Subaru dealership to pick up McCoy, the best basset hound that still lives with Jon to this day.

Michael Raymond


Mikey and Doug’s friendship began when they started playing tennis together at The Dunes after school. Not long into the two of them playing together, a quite formidable doubles team started to take form. Throughout the rest of their years growing up, Mikey and Doug would travel the state winning countless doubles trophies. Two of the most notable include the Florida Bush Open and senior year clinching a State Title for Barron Collier High School. With that being said, Mikey and Doug’s friendship spanned much further than just their doubles tandem. The two of them pretty much lived at one another’s house throughout middle and high school.

Nicholas Nolan


Doug met Nick Nolan, just as he met Grant, in Mrs. Dixon’s kindergarten class. The two went on to be in quite a few of the same classes throughout elementary, middle, and high school. They were even one of Disney’s most iconic villain duos, Jafar and Iago, in their 5th grade production of Aladdin. (Grant played Aladdin but that’s beside the point.) Doug has many fond memories growing up with Nick, but none stand out more than their countless hours playing Sonic Adventures 2 at one another’s houses. Nick was Doug’s best friend throughout grade school, and they ended up attending Florida State together. They enjoyed their college years along with some friends they had known from their grade school years, in addition to new friends they made together along the way. Although the two have lived in different states since they have graduated college, they are still as close as ever.

Paul Johnson


Paul and Doug have known each other since they were old enough to hold tennis racquets. Paul and his three older siblings were all in Doug Senior’s tennis academy when the boys were no older than 4 or 5. Although Doug and Paul had always known each other, their friendship really did not take off until sophomore year of high school. The boys sat down next to each other in Miss Gersbach’s AP World History 1st period that year, and Paul asked Doug and Mikey if they wanted to sit together at lunch that year. Doug and Paul’s friendship really grew from that point on. They took a lot of pride in the four state championships they went on to win. Also, their competitiveness, with not only others but with each other as well, pushed them to get better in all aspects of their lives. Both Paul and Doug’s life journeys have taken them to living in all parts of the country, but funny enough they now live a full three minutes away from each other on Immokalee Road.

Ryan Nau


Ryan and Doug met on the tennis courts in middle school when Ryan and his family moved to Naples from Charleston, South Carolina. Since they are both about as competitive as can be, they did not always get along on the court. However, the more Ryan and Doug were around each other, the more their friendship grew. By the end of high school, you could guarantee they would be hanging out every day at one point or another. Today, they both work in the tennis industry and always enjoy it best when their paths cross and they are able to work together. Whether it is teaching a country club clinic or a high-level junior practice, their comradery on the court is something that can truly be felt by everyone. Their friendship remains strong today through a love of tennis, golf, and a strong poorly mimicked Boston accent coined by Adam Sandler.

Tanis Taylor


Tanis and Doug became friends when the two boys were in middle school. Tanis moved to Naples not long before that, and he quickly joined in on a friend group that included Doug. The two were always good friends but they really became great friends when they started hanging out more in high school. Tanis even chose Doug to introduce him for a big speech Tanis gave at the end of their senior year for one of the school’s graduation ceremonies. Although Tanis and Doug did not go to the same college, they always made time to hang out during breaks and their friendship has grown stronger as the years have gone on. Even though they do not get to see each other all that much anymore, any time they are able to get together you can guarantee the night will be filled with lots of beers and lots of laughs.

Tyler Long


Tyler and Doug met summer semester of their freshman year at Florida State University. Nick Nolan informed a group of them going out for one of their first nights in Tallahassee that his suite mate, Tyler, would be joining them. When the bus came to pick up about 300 freshmen to escort them to the Tallahassee night scene, Doug and Tyler got stuck standing up face to face about 10 inches from each other. From there, conversation started, and a friendship began that turned into Tyler becoming Doug’s closest friend through his college years. The two were roommates from sophomore to senior (and even super senior) year, and they remain close through their love of poker, golf, and Florida State sports.